From the way people had described it to us - "virgin beaches" "crystal clear water" "very beautiful" - we really thought we were in for a treat. But 6 hours later, having visited most of the island in search of a nice beach, we realised Ihla Bella wasnt so great after all! Basically it`s a pretty, heavily manicured island where the rich go to show off their boats. There are loads of beaches but they are all tiny and not at all impressive.
All a bit dejected and tired, we had been lugging our full backpacks around with us all day, we decided we were better off where we started, back in Maresias! However, we couldnt go back as we knew all the hostels were booked up, due to Carl Cox playing there. So we went back the way we had come and stopped off at Camburi, which was supposed to have an amazing beach divided by a small peninsula. After looking at all the accommodation we could find we realised we were in the Beverly Hills of Brazil as it was all very expensive. Ahhhhhhh! We were all losing the will to live by this point but decided to go back to a beach we had passed on the bus. A very helpful taxi man took us to hostels until we found one we liked and finally we settled for the night.
Not a very productive day - we spent 14 hours traveling only to get back to pretty much where we started!

I love bananas!
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