Sengigi is the biggest tourist spot on Lombok but when we were there it was pretty empty so we had the huge stretch of beach to ourselves each day which was bliss. The only down side of being one of the few tourist there was the constant hassle we got from the locals trying to sell us anything and everything. But after we'd been there a couple of days and they realised they weren't going to get anything out of us they pretty much left us alone.
We were staying in cheap accommodation near a mosque so 4 times a day we heard the call to prayer. I quite liked it at first, made you think about where you were, but after being woken each night by it we were starting to crave a decent nights sleep. So after three days we decided to head for the Gili Islands.

We got to see some amazing sunsets whilst in Sengigi

We had this huge beach to ourselves!

This 'shack' served up great, cheap food. It was the busiest place in Sengigi

More sunset drinks
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