A drive through the countryside got us to Digswell, our home for the next few weeks. Big hugs, Cadbury's Cream Eggs and shepherds pie greeted us, plus licks from Rosie(that's the dog).
The next couple of days disappeared seeing friends and family and trying to find stuff. It really would have been a good idea to label all the boxes we packed away! It was like Christmas as we opened up boxes and re-discovered all our things, but it also made us realise how much rubbish you collect.The clothes I had been living in for the past 10 months were once again by 2nd skin as I was a little overwhelmed by the sudden selection of clothes I had. I could have opened up a shop with it all, yet ten months ago I never had enough clothes!
After a couple of days of being back it already felt like we had never been away, in a good and a bad way. South America was a distant memory and even Japan was becoming hazy, whilst it was reassuring to know we could still remember how to use a mobile phone and talk to people other than each other!
Soon we were off to Chelmsford for lunch and afternoon tea with my grandparents.It was lovely to see them and going into their home and seeing all the old photos was a trip down memory lane.
Afterwards it was back to see Mum and John, in there lovely pad in Welwyn
Rob and Joyce
I cant remember the last time I'd had tea from a proper tea cup, very old school!
Helen and John's little abode
The lovely summer room
Rosy taking five
Helen making some yummy food
John being his typical quite self
1 comment:
OMG just seen that photo of u and G & G, kinda weird! love it tho lol!
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