Then the sky became dark and we saw the clouds coming in quickly. After hearing the weather warning on the radio, we knew we were going to have some interesting time ahead. So here i was, with no experience and my first time on a yacht, with gale force winds blowing against us (thats 70-80 km/h) with the boat almost at an angel of 45 degree, me clipped by a harness onto the rail of the boat with my legs dangling over the side, huge waves crashing against us, flooding the deck, and throwing the boat up and down, up and down, up and down. My sea sickness was really loving it! After an hour of this we hadn't made any distance as we were being thrown back and forth, until finally we were able to sneak into a little cove and rest up for the night, Phew! As i spent most of the time either throwing up, or just holding on for dear life, I felt i owed it to the guys to cook dinner. And from that point on my new nickname became 'cook'. The next day was bad weather again, so we just cruised through the river and waterways behind palm beach. On the Monday we zoomed up to Newcastle Yacht Club with perfect sailing weather. After we all got our first shower of the trip, we felt slightly human again, though it didn't last long.
On the way home we we went up the Hawksbury river to the most difficult sailing area in NSW. We had to go through rocks on one side and breaking surf on the other, checking the depth monitor the whole way. By the last day I'd pretty much cooked everything in the boat, which only helped our speed a little as there was no wind, so we slowly snaked back to Sydney.
So after starting with nothing, I have all my qualifications and I'm now on a crew list trying to get some racing experience!
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