At the top of old town

Margaret, Camila, and Luis at their home

Yep, it was really hard staying here

Jude relaxing on the patio by the river

Guayaquil's main government building
After the relaxing whale watching beachy trip, we were fortunate enough to be picked up from our first, first world experience bus terminal of Guayaquil by an old student of my mums, Camila. Not sure what to expect, a blue and white Land Rover hurtles towards us with waving hands and smiles abound. From this point on our life was not in our hands, but these lovely people that organized what we were going to do, what to eat, which other relatives we were going to meet, EVERYTHING! And all of this whilst staying with them in their beautiful mansion next to the river with many cooks, cleaners etc.
Saturday was spent eating and drinking (wine from a bottle with proper glasses!!) Sunday we went to the county club with them, where we ate an Ecuadorian specialty of raw seafood in lime juice (am drooling at the though of it now) and spotted 2 Miss Ecuador’s before shopping for a new camera in the local plaza, and then checking out the riverfront walkway and old town . Then Monday it was off to the cop shop which was hilarious as nobody ever reports crimes here, so I think the whole experience was very interesting to Luis (Camlila’s husband) especially as he looked a little white before we went in. The first thing the police office said to us after hearing we were English was Spice girls and David Beckham! Then in the evening Camila’s mother Margaret turned up to see the granddaughters as they we starting a 2 week holiday. This woman is 78 and as her niece said….. she smokes, drinks, swears, and fights…. She’s not your normal granny! The energy, knowledge, and passion this woman had was incredible, and always so funny. She gave Jude and I a 3 hour history lesson of Ecuador starting from Inca times as if she was actually there. On the Tuesday we were then throw in the back of a truck with Camila’s neice to check out her farm.
We’re still a bit fazed and frazzled from the whole whirlwind…. Though we have big grins on our faces!
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