Me trying to play (quite loudly) on ancient indigenous xylophone
Jude wearing indigenous ceremonial headgear
Me eyeing up dinner
This is the 'oxford street' of Quito. Business isn't doing too well methinks!
So far on our journey, every time we pop into a museum, we are literally the only people there. On the one hand this is brilliant - you have as much time to read etc without screaming kids or pushing from chubby yanks - the only problem is that Jude and I then start to play, like naughty school kids. During our latest trip we started taking pics (see above) I’m sure something terrible will happen to us for this!
Also we’ve finally found some local markets to go to. As you’ll see from one of the pics, they don’t have to deal with the EU regulations just yet. I’m hoping this will get even more interesting as we are currently in Otalavo, which has the largest market tomorrow in the whole country!
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