So jude and I didn’t really think too much about this trip to Laguna Churup (cheers clarky for the tip) just that it was 7 hours long. Only at the end of it did we realize that we’d walked 35K up and down rocky mountains. It was well worth it, especially to see jude having to do some rock climbing next to a waterfall, which she says she detests but appeared to get on with it pretty well. Also we got to go through the local village on the way back (couldn’t fit the pics on) which was interesting. They bring a new meaning to the word minimalistic. All you need to live is a wooden hut with a grass roof, and you’re made!
We’re now off on a night bus to Lima to chill, eat, sooth our tired bodies, and try and not get robbed!
p.s. I just found the widescreen button on the new camera, so apologies for going overkill

Jude with our guide Mao on the way to the Lake

jude and I at the lake. Its 4450m high, and not surprisingly ice cold

Me climbing down past the waterfall. I wish i could have taken a pick of jude, though i dont think she would have been happy for you to all see her scared white face!

The local farmers doing there stuff

Lake churup is up on the right. The glacier peak is about 6500m high
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