Whilst staying in Puno we visited Juli and Chucuito. We went to Juli on Sunday for the market, not much to write home about but did see a dried lama foetus which was interesting! Juli has four colonial churches and is therefore know as `Little Rome'.
Chucuito reminded me of a little French town and when we got there another Fiesta was in full swing, we think someone had just got married or maybe they were having a party cause it was Sunday?! The journey back to Puno was crazy with Tim and I being squashed into a little van with a load of locals for 30 mins. I was literally sitting on a withered old man who must have been about 90!

The first parade that we saw after arriving about 30 mins before. yes, that is a man in a silly mask dancing infront of a big brass band!

Just after a wedding the locals sit down for a rest after throwing 5 tons of confetti at each other!

A tiny little village off Puno, we rock up to the main square only to be confronted by a dancing congo procession after a wedding.
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