Tim and I both felt completely sick but it was worth it to see the world famous´enigmatic` Nasca lines. No one really knows what they mean, even though a German woman studied them for 16 years...I think a couple of guys got bored one day and decided to make giant markings in the rock for a laugh (what else was there to do 2000 years ago?). Tim thinks its to do with rituals to the gods.
There was three of us, plus the pilot on the 35 min flight over the desert. We saw all the lines from the Spider to the Hummingbird. Check out the pictures.
The whole process of getting on the plane was totally crazy. We were recommended to use Pepe by our hostal in Pisco to book the flight. After a long conversation in Spanish (I said "si" a lot and not much else) we took it that Pepe was going to meet us in Nasca but we didnt know how or where. Somehow it all worked out and Pepe greeted us with a big grin off our bus. We paid him the money ($65 each, that could feed us for a week!) and were told to be ready for 7.30am but we might not fly then.
It was all a bit confusing but we trusted happy Pepe and got up at 7am. We waited, had breakfast, waited, went on the internet, waited. I was starting to think that Pepe and done a runner with our money, Tim had faith. At about 8.30am a guy turned up, after much hand gesturing we realised he was taking us to Pepe. But when we got to Pepe he just told us we weren`t flying until about 1pm and to come back to the office then. So off back to our hostal we trotted. At 11.45am the woman at the hostal passed on a message that we needed to be at the office for 12 or we´d lose our flights, so we started running round only to be picked up half way by the first messenger. How did he know where we were?!
Why the rush i really dont know as we ended up waiting 35mins at the aeroport for our flight (maybe they didnt want us eating anything before the flight so kept us waiting a while!)

Tim and a tiny plane. Every slight gust of wind was felt... a lot!

Check out the view and all the other lines that haven't been given names...yet!



Hands and tiny weeny people at the bottom
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