Even after having seen the classic photos of Machu Picchu in guide books, web sites, travel brochures and postcards we were still impressed by the awe-inspiring location of the ruins. The ruins seem to almost cling to the steep hillside, surrounded by towering green mountains, it really was beautiful.
We first made our way to the Watchman's Hut which offered some of the classic views of Machu Picchu. In seach for a better view, and with time to kill until our 5pm train back, we decided to climb Huayna Picchu, the mountain you see rising behind MP. As from May 2007 the government has put a limit of 400 on the number of people who can climb the mountain. We didn't get over to the base until after 9am so had to wait until the second group was allowed up at 10am. It is supposed to take about an hour to reach the top, but we did it in about 35 mins. I dont think I´ve ever sweated so much! The climb was much more dangerous than i thought it would be, I would not recommend it for sufferers of vertigo! The narrow trail nearly made my legs freeze at one point but seeing as 60 year olds were having a go I just got on with it! The view from the top was amazing, to catch our breath Tim and I played a game of cards.
Instead of just going down the way we came we decided to go down the other side of the mountain to see some further sites. About an hour later after we had climbed down very steeply (ladders were provided to help us) we arrived at a Cave which was pretty cool and then started on the trail again expecting to be back at base prettty soon. We weren´t. The trail just went on and on going up and down and up until we joined the original trail we had taken to go up. I really thought my legs were going to give, my knees felt like a 90 year old´s and i was being attacked by mossies (I counted over 30 bites afterwards, my ankles and hands were swollen to twice the size) so I was overjoyed when we finally got back to base over three hours later.
We carried on looking round the ruins and then went to the exit. Dying for food and drink we went to a cafe just outside the entrance but couldnt bare to pay the prices advertised - 30 soles for a burger and chips, more than triple the usual price and 15 soles for Coke - usually about 1.5 soles.
As if we hadn´t done enough walking we then decided to walk back to Aguas Calientes at about 2pm to save the bus fare and spend it on food instead. It was a steep trek down but only took about 40 mins and then, like a beacon in the night, we saw a campsite with a resturant. We ordered burgers and fries and washed in the toilets whilst we waited for the food. I dont think I´ve ever eaten food so quickly, we were starving after having breakfast at 7am!
The train back was slow and then it broke down so we hopped on a bus which had been laid on for the passengers, but we had to pay for! We arrive back in Cusco about 10pm totally and utterly shattered. MP was amazing and definitely worth seeing but the crazy prices had left a bit of a bitter taste in our mouths.

The money shot!

Or maybe this is the money shot... you decide. Will upload more pics later!
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